One of my favorite aspects about having a bodywork practice is working with the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual systems of the body which is sometimes referred to as “PEMS” for short. My practice is in the beautiful ski town of Steamboat Springs where I frequently work with sore athletes and injuries but almost always the session will contain some elements of energy work such as emotional freedom technique, grounding, clearing, reiki, shiatsu pressure points, and sometimes guided visualizations based on yoga nidra techniques. When working with illness, injury, surgery, trauma, pain, shock or stress, the use of these subtle techniques can be quite beneficial for both the client and the practitioner. Reiki alone is being used more often in hospitals, nursing homes and cancer centers over the past 10 years and a lot of awareness is being brought to this modality. Several articles have been written about the benefits of Reiki such as quickened injury recovery, support during hospice care and most commonly to simply relax which can be a hard thing in our fast paced society. I have practiced reiki with the dying, grieving, and cancer patients and am infinitely grateful to have provided some support during these transitional and intense times. It is a beautiful practice that has provided relief for my journey in life both a giver and receiver of Reiki.
I never underestimate the power and subtly of touch or even the placing of hands above the body or from a distance in order to work with the auric/electromagnetic field based on the chakra system. While practicing reiki it is important to stay connected to the earth, sky and the meeting point of the heart. I use a visualization that suits the goals of my client at the time as well as energy clearing/grounding. Reiki energy comes through the practitioner but is not from the practitioner, it is not my energy and it is not dogmatic or religious but is self explanatory as the definition states is “universal life force energy”. I find that most often a session for 60- 90 minutes for the first 3 visits is the most effective toward reaching the goals of my clients and can be done anywhere between twice a week to once a month based on need. The wonderful thing about reiki is it can be practiced anywhere in the world and the practitioner and the client do not need to be physically present in the same room which is the beauty of working with the electromagnetic field of the earth also can be called the "Schumann resonance" Reiki was named by Mikao Usui. In Usui’s quest for finding this universal life force energy he looked at the healing work of Buddha, Jesus and other saints as inspiration. This type of healing energy is also mentioned in the ancient texts of India which is the origin of the chakra system that the practice mostly works with. In "Essential Reiki An Ancient Healing Art" Diane Stein mentions that some channelers and psychics have stated that the practice of healing with hands can be dated back to ancient civilizations which I am fascinated by this and love the idea that the origins of working with the earth and the cosmos through the hands and heart has existed throughout the ages of existence. Engaging in the “laying of hands” is just as simple, instinctual and natural as the instant response to place your hand over a stomach ache, a wound or when you bump your elbow or stub your toe. It also can help create a healthy relationship with touch but at the same time, some practitioners do not touch the body at all and use a hovering technique. Either way, it is placing attention over the body and can include the visualization of light or a well recorded warm sensation. The practice of reiki focuses on the Chakra system and on specific parts of the body often used for acute injuries and pain. With the practice of Reiki, Mikao Usui meditated and fasted until he had a vision of healing symbols. What distinguishes Reiki is the use of these specific symbols. The symbols are used during a session and during initiations which relates back through the transmission of Usui’s lineage since the late 1800’s. Reiki is channeled universal life force energy that works with the electromagnetic auric field of the earth and cosmos. It is meant to provide support where needed and most commonly can have a warm sensation but at other times the client does not feel anything at all and/or will notice shifts after the session for few days to even longer. Sometimes visions, colors, memories and emotions will emerge during the session, all is welcome and informative for what goals and needs are made for the time scheduled. Sometimes one will drift into a state between sleeping and dreaming enabling the Alpha wave state of the brain which is where profound healing can occur which lies between the Delta cycle of sleeping and the Beta cycle of wakefulness. Taking the time to drop in and attune to the subtleties of the body and spirit have invaluable benefits. Remember to always practice self care in all aspects of life! Thank you for reading and I hope this was a helpful introduction or refresher for understanding the energy systems of the body! Hope to see you soon for a session! References:. Essential Reiki: A complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein The Crossing Press Inc Freedom, CA 4th edition 1996. Reiki RX, Hinduism Today January 1 1998 Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India 2001. |
AuthorMassage therapist, Mayan Abdominal Massage Practitioner, Reiki 2nd level, Yoga Nidra Meditation Instructor, Integrative Bodywork, Trauma informed, Neuromuscular. Artist, Energy medicine ArchivesCategories |